謎's キッチン

謎のひとりごと。Amazon欲しい物リストはこちら: https://www.amazon.co.jp/hz/wishlist/ls/CCPOV7C6JTD2



https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/GlitchFreeAudio The PulseAudio sound server has been rewritten to use timer-based audio scheduling instead of the traditional interrupt-driven approach. This is the approach that is taken by other sy…


Would you do anything differently in the development of D if you had the chance? I'd be much quicker to turn more of the responsibility for the work over to the community. Letting go of things is hard for me and something I need to do a lo…


http://d.hatena.ne.jp/mir/20080723 経由。 MySQLがBitKeeperからBazaarに移ったとき、コミュニティにもっと参加してほしいからとか言っていた気がするが、コミュニティは本家よりもdrizzleで盛り上がっているようだ。 What are the bigger differences in …